Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Zodiac Sign: Scorpion

Yes.. Thats me.. A true Scorpion.. Its the month! - NOVEMBER- 

The Scorpion
October 24 to November 22

Zodiac Symbol Scorpion
Duration (Tropical, Western) 23 October – 22 November (2011, UTC)
Constellation Scorpius
Zodiac Element Water
Zodiac Quality Fixed
Sign ruler older co-ruler Mars modern co-ruler Pluto
Detriment Venus
Exaltation Pluto
Fall Moon
Positive Traits

  Determined and forceful
  Emotional and intuitive
  Powerful and passionate
  Exciting and magnetic

Negative Traits

  Jealous and resentful
  Compulsive and obsessive
  Secretive and obstinate
Scorpio Likes: strenuous activity, the unraveling of mysteries, winning at any cost, being acknowledged the undisputed champion of anything, and the comfort of their own homes.

Scorpio Dislikes:being analyzed, being asked personal questions, new acquaintance, and having to trust a stranger with anything that they consider important enough to keep secure. 

Scorpions are well known for their intense and powerful natures. You are willful, proud and calm. You never settle and for you life is meant to be lived to the fullest or not at all. You are rarely found in the center of the activity but will always know just what is going on out of concern. Your deep sensitivity makes you the best and the most loyal friend but the same quality makes you the most treacherous of enemies. You excel at everything and anything, when you put together your energy, self-confidence, ambition and generosity toward others. You are demanding of others but will never ask someone to do what you won't be able to do yourself.

 Anyways drop me a card on November 18 :P
