Thursday, January 6, 2011

Apocalypse.. Omen, End of Time.. Blah..Blah..Blah

Lets Talk Serious !!

Dead Birds falling from sky, Millions of fishes turning up dead on the shores of the coasts around the world, the decline in the bumble bee.. Is it that the clock for 2012 is ticking Already...Well it is common sense to be concerned when the animals around us start dying suddenly and in large numbers.

Everyone is talking about it,. the media reports just keep coming in on the phenomenon. So what exactly is happening??

Is it really the "Disease" , the "Global Warming", Blunt Trauma , "Aliens" (I just made that one up). Well the phenomenon of such a massive deaths has got many people concerned.If you have missed the Reports .. Here is the Recap of what might have been the Cause of death of the birds:

  1.       Loud Noise Likely Caused Birds' Deaths in Arkansas
  2.       Early tests show Ark. blackbirds died of trauma
  3.        Dead birds in Sweden killed by 'external blows

                  The fish deaths are also a mystery: While the scientists say that disease is the most likely cause -- because only one fish species washed up dead -- that explanation doesn't hold water. Here's why:
                  Animals deaths don't resemble infectious disease patternA virus, bacteria or fungus doesn't magically and suddenly spread across 100,000 members of one species all on the same day. It takes time for such infectious agents to spread. If disease were the cause, you should have seen a few fish showing up dead on one day, followed by a few more some days later, then a lot more after that, and then finally a much larger mass over the subsequent days or weeks as the infectious agent spread through the population.This could be an indication of a poison or some other radical change such as a sharp temperature change in the river. Something changed in the environment -- perhaps a rapid depletion of oxygen, or the interference with fish physiology through electromagnetic means. Forensics need to be the Next Step :)


Thank you for reading.  :)

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