Tuesday, June 7, 2016


Tools and Materials
  • Camera
  • Exacto knife
  • Cardboard
  • Spray paint in gloss (color of your choice)
  • Newspaper
  • Fabric or decorative paper
  • Scissors
  • Iron (if using fabric)
  • Spray adhesive
  • Picture frame and mat (I used old frames and just spray painted them as well, but you could buy new, of course)

  1. Take several profiles pictures of your subject (I used our kids but you could do pets, too) at close range (so they almost fill the frame on the screen of your camera. Lighting doesn’t matter.
  2. Choose a picture frame size. This will dictate how large to print your photo. Choose the best profile from your photo shoot, then take the memory card from your camera to a photo-printing kiosk (like at Target or Wal-Mart) and print out a copy of the picture in the size you’ve chosen.  I chose an 11 x 13 frame with a mat for 8 x 10 pictures, so I printed the girls’ profiles out as 8 x 10s.
  3. Place the photo on a piece of cardboard (or a self-healing mat if you have one). Cut out the image with an Exacto knife, taking care to cut around details like wisps of hair.
  4. Lay the cut-out image on newspaper and spray paint it with high-gloss paint in the color of your choice.  Let dry.
  5. If you’re using an old frame, take this opportunity to spray paint that as well.
  6. If you’ve chosen to use fabric for the background of your silhouette, iron it.
  7. Cut the fabric or decorative paper to a size slightly larger than the opening of the picture mat.
  8. Coat the back of the painted image with a thin coat of spray adhesive and mount it to the fabric or decorative paper.
  9. Place all in the frame.
See  more>> http://homemademodernblog.com/